Outreach 1st Annual Shoe Drive -Shoe Us the Love!
Donate your gently worn, used and new shoes today!
And the best part is it’s FREE to participate. That’s right, everyone has an old or slightly used pair of shoes they could donate , So it does not cost anything to help.
Our goal is to collect 2500 pairs of shoes by March 15, 2023.
Help us raise funds just by donating gently worn, used and new shoes! Clean out those closets, Be sure to ask, friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to donate too! Collected shoes not only help support us, but they will be reused and given a second life by those in need through #microenterprise. It’s a WIN-WIN!
According to a report from the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2015:
- Textiles, including shoes and clothing, represented 16.03M tons and 65.7% of content in landfills.
- In the U.S., each individual produces 4.48 pounds of daily waste, which includes shoes that are thrown away.
Other realities: - Most people do not know that shoes and clothing can be repurposed.
- 85% of consumer textiles end up in landfills, which is extremely harmful to the environment.
- Consumers are the primary reason for textiles ending up in landfills.
- Approximately 50 percent of collected shoes and clothing are re-used around the world.
- 70 percent of the global population uses repurposed shoes and clothing.
By you helping us collect shoes you are:
- Raising funds to help others in our community
- Rescuing all these shoes from going into land fills
- Providing help by working with over 4,000 micros-entrepreneurs and families worldwide
- The shoes are re-purposed and get a new lease on life.

Update- 03/17/2023 TOGETHER WE DID IT !!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE !!!!
We hit the Goal !!