Help ” Stamp Out Hunger” ! Sat May 11th, 2024
The Annual Letter Carriers’ Association – Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive
Saturday, May 11, 2024
How does it work?
To donate, just place a bag, box or can of non-perishable food next to your mailbox before your letter carrier delivers mail on the second Saturday in May. The carrier will do the rest. The food is sorted and delivered to an area food bank or pantry (Outreach East), where it is available for needy families.
Are food drive donations tax-deductible?
All donations to the Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive are tax-deductible, depending on how you, file because all the food collected on Food Drive Day is given directly to non-profit charity food agencies in the community the food was collected. Though the National Association of Letter Carriers plans the Food Drive’s logistics and letter carriers provide the transportation for each donor’s generous donation, the National Association of Letter carriers is not the agency that gets listed on tax forms for claiming deductions. There are more than 10,000 food agencies throughout the country that receive these donations. The Davison Post office will be giving your donations to us here at Outreach East so you would list us as the charity 501C3.
National Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day is observed on the second Saturday of May and takes place on May 13. It is the largest food drive in the country and takes place in more than 10,000 cities and towns. One in eight Americans face hunger every day and we want to remind everyone that they can help with this wonderful initiative. The Stamp Out Hunger Donor Drive aims to feed the hungry in the U.S., and as always, with your help, we can, and we will.